Class Aes256Security


public class Aes256Security extends Security
Represents AES 256 bit PDF document security.

AES 256 bit PDF security is compatible with PDF version 1.5 and higher. This class is FIPS compliant when used in applications targetting .NET framework v3.5 or higher. Adobe Acrobat Reader version X or higher is needed to open these documents.

  • Constructor Details

    • Aes256Security

      public Aes256Security(String userPassword, String ownerPassword)
      Initializes a new instance of the Aes256Security class by taking the owner and user passwords as parameters to create PDF.
      ownerPassword - The owner password to open the document.
      userPassword - The user password to open the document.
  • Method Details

    • getDocumentComponents

      public EncryptDocumentComponents getDocumentComponents()
      Gets or sets the EncryptDocumentComponents, components of the document to be encrypted. We can encrypt all the PDF content or the content, excluding the metadata.
      The documents components to be encrypted.
    • setDocumentComponents

      public void setDocumentComponents(EncryptDocumentComponents value)
      Sets or sets the EncryptDocumentComponents, components of the document to be encrypted. We can encrypt all the PDF content or the content, excluding the metadata.
      value - The documents components to be encrypted.