Class RC4128Security


public class RC4128Security extends Security
Represents RC4 128 bit PDF document security.

RC4 128 bit PDF security, with UseCryptFilter property set to false is compatible with PDF version 1.4 or higher and can be read with Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5 or higher. By default UseCryptFilter property is false. RC4 128 bit PDF security with crypt filter is compatible with PDF version 1.5 or higher and can be read with Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6 and higher. Older readers will not be able to read document encrypted with this security.

  • Constructor Details

    • RC4128Security

      public RC4128Security(String userPassword, String ownerPassword)
      Initializes a new instance of the RC4128Security class.
      userPassword - The owner password to open the document.
      ownerPassword - The user password to open the document.
  • Method Details

    • getEncryptMetadata

      public boolean getEncryptMetadata()
      Gets the documents components to be encrypted.
      The documents components to be encrypted.
    • setEncryptMetadata

      public void setEncryptMetadata(boolean value)
      Sets the documents components to be encrypted.
      value - The documents components to be encrypted.