Class Element

Direct Known Subclasses:
BarcodeElement, ImageElement, LineElement, PageNumberingElement, RectangleElement, TextElement

public abstract class Element extends Object
Base class from which all page elements are derived.
  • Method Details

    • getResource

      public Resource getResource()
    • getTextFont

      public Font getTextFont()
    • getPlacement

      public ElementPlacement getPlacement()
      Gets placement of the page element on the page.
      Placement of the page element on the page.
    • setPlacement

      public void setPlacement(ElementPlacement value)
      Sets placement of the page element on the page.
      value - Placement of the page element on the page.
    • getXOffset

      public float getXOffset()
      Gets the X coordinate of the page element.
      The X coordinate of the page element.
    • setXOffset

      public void setXOffset(float value)
      Sets the X coordinate of the page element.
      value - The X coordinate of the page element.
    • getYOffset

      public float getYOffset()
      Gets the Y coordinate of the page element.
      The Y coordinate of the page element.
    • setYOffset

      public void setYOffset(float value)
      Sets the Y coordinate of the page element.
      value - The Y coordinate of the page element.
    • getEvenPages

      public boolean getEvenPages()
      Gets the boolean value specifying whether the element should be added to even pages or not.
      The boolean value specifying whether the element should be added to even pages or not.
    • setEvenPages

      public void setEvenPages(boolean value)
      Sets the boolean value specifying whether the element should be added to even pages or not.
      value - The boolean value specifying whether the element should be added to even pages or not.
    • getOddPages

      public boolean getOddPages()
      Gets the boolean value specifying whether the element should be added to odd pages or not.
      The boolean value specifying whether the element should be added to odd pages or not.
    • setOddPages

      public void setOddPages(boolean value)
      Sets the boolean value specifying whether the element should be added to odd pages or not.
      value - The boolean value specifying whether the element should be added to odd pages or not.