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DynamicPDF API Solutions

Use the DynamicPDF API to quickly add PDF functionality to your applications. Create reports, merge documents, complete forms, secure documents, and convert PDFs to images. Create PDFs from scratch, modify existing PDFs, convert images, convert Word to PDF, merge multiple PDFs, retrieve metadata and text from PDFs, add barcodes to PDFs, and much more.
Select from any of the following solutions and read how The DynamicPDF API can solve your organization's PDF needs.
Add Barcodes to PDFsConvert Images to PDFs
Form FillingRemove or Flatten Form Fields
Retrieve Text from PDFsRetrieve Metadata and XMP from PDF
Password Protect and Encrypt a PDFRetrieve Image Information
Add Text, Images, Lines, and Rectangles to PDFConvert PDF to Image
Add Outlines and Bookmarks to PDFCreate PDFs Graphically Using Designer
Delete Pages From a PDFSplit a PDF into Multiple PDFs
Merge PDFs and other ResourcesConvert HTML to PDF
Convert Word to PDFConvert Excel to PDF