
The pdf-image
endpoint converts pages from a PDF to an image. The endpoint returns an array of base64 encoded images.
The endpoint has the following parameters allowing customizing of the image output.
Parameter | Description | Default | |
startPageNumber | 1..n | 1 | |
pageCount | 1..n | 0 (prints all pages) | |
imageFormat | jpeg | gif | bmp | png | tiff | png | |
quality | 1..100 | 60 | |
ditheringPercent | 1..100 | 25 | |
ditheringAlgorithm | floydSteinberg | bayer | none | floydSteinberg | |
colorFormat | rgb | monochrome | indexd | rgb | |
multiPage | true | false | false | |
blackThreshold | 0..255 | na | |
quantizationAlgorithm | octree | webSafe | werner | wu | octree | |
imageSize | dpi | fixed | max | percentage | dpi | |
horizontalDpi | 0..n | 96 | |
verticalDpi | 0..n | 96 | |
height | 0..n | na | |
width | 0..n | na | |
unit | millimeter | inch | point | point | |
maxHeight | 0..n | na | |
maxWidth | 0..n | na | |
horizontalPercentage | 1..100 | 100 | |
verticalPercentage | 1..100 | 100 |
The following example illustrates converting both a single page PDF to a png image and converting a multi-page PDF to multiple png images.
- C# (.NET)
- Java
- Node.js
- Go
- Python
using DynamicPDF.Api;
using DynamicPDF.Api.Imaging;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace DynamicPdfClientLibraryExamples.Examples
public class PdfImageExample
public static void Run(string apiKey, string basePath, string outputPath)
Process(apiKey, basePath + "onepage.pdf", outputPath + "png_single-output_");
Process(apiKey, basePath + "pdfnumberedinput.pdf", outputPath + "png_multi-output_");
public static void Process(string apiKey, string basePath, string outputPath)
PdfResource resource = new PdfResource(basePath);
PdfImage pdfImage = new PdfImage(resource);
PngImageFormat pngImageFormat = new PngImageFormat();
pdfImage.ImageFormat = pngImageFormat;
pdfImage.ApiKey = apiKey;
PdfImageResponse response = pdfImage.Process();
if (response.IsSuccessful)
for (int i = 0; i < response.Images.Count; i++)
File.WriteAllBytes(outputPath + i + ".png", Convert.FromBase64String(response.Images[i].Data));
import fs from 'fs';
import {
PdfImage, PdfResource, PngImageFormat} from "@dynamicpdf/api"
import {Constants} from './constants.js';
import { ClientApiUtility } from './ClientApiUtility.js';
export class PdfImageExample {
static async Run() {
this.ConvertPdf(Constants.BasePath + "pdf-image/onepage.pdf", "pdf-image-out");
this.ConvertPdf(Constants.BasePath + "pdf-image/pdfnumberedinput.pdf", "pdf-multi-image-out");
static async ConvertPdf(pdfName, outName) {
var pdfImage = new PdfImage(new PdfResource(pdfName));
pdfImage.apiKey = Constants.ApiKey;
var pngImageFormat = new PngImageFormat();
pdfImage.ImageFormat = pngImageFormat;
var res = await pdfImage.process();
if (res.isSuccessful) {
for (var i = 0; i < res.images.length; i++)
const image = res.images[i];
var outStream = fs.createWriteStream(Constants.OutputPath + outName + i + ".png");
outStream.write(Buffer.from(image.data, 'base64'));
} else {
await PdfImageExample.Run();
package com.dynamicpdf.api.examples;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Base64;
import com.dynamicpdf.api.DynamicPdfCloudApiExamples;
import com.dynamicpdf.api.PdfResource;
import com.dynamicpdf.api.imaging.PdfImage;
import com.dynamicpdf.api.imaging.PdfImageResponse;
import com.dynamicpdf.api.imaging.PdfImageResponse.Image;
import com.dynamicpdf.api.imaging.PngImageFormat;
public class PdfImageExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
PdfImageExample.Run(DynamicPdfCloudApiExamples.API_KEY, DynamicPdfCloudApiExamples.BASE_DIR + "/pdf-image/onepage.pdf",
DynamicPdfCloudApiExamples.OUTPUT_PATH + "/single-image-out_");
PdfImageExample.Run(DynamicPdfCloudApiExamples.API_KEY, DynamicPdfCloudApiExamples.BASE_DIR + "/pdf-image/pdfnumberedinput.pdf",
DynamicPdfCloudApiExamples.OUTPUT_PATH + "/multiple-image-out_");
public static void Run(String key, String basePath, String outputPath) {
PdfResource resource = new PdfResource(basePath);
PdfImage pdfImage = new PdfImage(resource);
PngImageFormat pngImageFormat = new PngImageFormat();
PdfImageResponse response = pdfImage.process();
if (response.getIsSuccessful()) {
for (int i = 0; i < response.getImages().size(); i++) {
Image img = response.getImages().get(i);
File file = new File(outputPath + i + ".png");
OutputStream os;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
System.out.println("errorcode: " + response.getStatusCode());
use DynamicPDF\Api\imaging\PdfImage;
use DynamicPDF\Api\PdfResource;
class PdfImageExample
public static function Run(string $apikey, string $path, string $outputPath)
PdfImageExample::Process($apikey, $path . "onepage.pdf", $outputPath . "pdfimage-single-page");
PdfImageExample::Process($apikey, $path . "pdfnumberedinput.pdf", $outputPath . "pdfimage-multi-page");
public static function Process(string $apikey, string $path, $outputPath)
$pdfResource = new PdfResource($path);
$pdfImage = new PdfImage($pdfResource);
$pdfImage->ApiKey =$apikey;
$pdfImage->ImageFormat = new PngImageFormat();
$response = $pdfImage->Process();
if ($response->IsSuccessful) {
echo "the count:" . count($response->Images);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($response->Images); $i++) {
$imageData = base64_decode($response->Images[$i]->Data);
$fileName = $outputPath . $i . ".png";
file_put_contents($fileName, $imageData);
} else {
echo json_encode($response->ErrorJson) . PHP_EOL;
package main
import (
var basePath string
var apiKey string
var baseUrl string
var outputPath string
func init() {
basePath = "./resources/pdf-image/"
apiKey = "DP--api-key--"
baseUrl = "https://api.dpdf.io"
outputPath = "./output/pdf-image-go-output"
func main() {
resource := resource.NewPdfResourceWithResourcePath(basePath+"pdfnumberedinput.pdf", "pdfnumberedinput.pdf")
pdfImage := imaging.NewPdfImage(resource)
pdfImage.ImageFormat = imaging.NewPngImageFormat().ImageFormat
pdfImage.Endpoint.BaseUrl = baseUrl
pdfImage.Endpoint.ApiKey = apiKey
resp := pdfImage.Process()
res := <-resp
if res.IsSuccessful() == true {
for i, image := range res.Images {
img, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(image.Data)
if err != nil {
filePath := outputPath + strconv.Itoa(i) + ".png"
os.WriteFile(filePath, img, os.ModeType)
} else {
if res.ClientError() != nil {
fmt.Print("Failed with error: " + res.ClientError().Error())
} else {
fmt.Print("Failed with error: " + res.ErrorJson())
from dynamicpdf_api.imaging.pdf_image import PdfImage
from dynamicpdf_api.imaging.png_image_format import PngImageFormat
from dynamicpdf_api.pdf_resource import PdfResource
import pprint
import json
import base64
from Shared import *
def pdf_image_example(api_key, full_path):
pdf_image_process(api_key, full_path + "onepage.pdf", "pdf-image-out-")
pdf_image_process(api_key, full_path + "pdfnumberedinput.pdf", "pdf-multi-image-out-")
def pdf_image_process(api_key, full_path, outfile_name):
resource = PdfResource(full_path)
pdf_image = PdfImage(resource)
pdf_image.api_key = api_key
pdf_image.image_format = PngImageFormat()
response = pdf_image.process()
if response.is_successful:
for i, image in enumerate(response.images):
file_name = output_path + outfile_name + str(i) + ".png"
with open(file_name , "wb") as out_stream:
if __name__ == "__main__":
pdf_image_example(api_key, base_path + "/pdf-image/", )