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Fill Out a Form

Create a form letter using the DynamicPDF Designer.

In this sample you fill out a PDF form. The produced PDF is a one page completed PDF.

Sample Project

The Fill PDF Template Example project is available from the DynamicPDF Portal Samples in the File Manager.

The project consists of the following three files.

  • form-fill.dlex
  • form-fill.json
  • fw4-p1.pdf

Refer to the following for more information on the File Manager and on adding sample projects.

Sample Description

The sample consist of a Page containing a Template.

Overlying the template are RecordBox elements for the JSON Data. Also note the two Symbol elements.

The DLEX uses the following data to complete the form.

"FirstNameAndI": "Alex B.",
"LastName": "Smith",
"SSN": "123-45-6789",
"HomeAddress": "456 Green Road",
"IsSingle": true,
"CityStateZip": "Somewhere, Earth 12345",
"Allowances": 2

The finished PDF consists of the PDF completed with the values from the JSON data.

More Information

For more information on using Designer refer to one of our many tutorials and the Users Guide documentation. Also refer to the Designer Examples documentation page in the Users Guide for numerous examples illustrating Designer's capabilities. Our blog also has numerous tips and tricks for using Designer.

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