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The DataMatrixBarcode layout element allows adding datamatrix barcode to a report.

DynamicPDF API has built-in support for the DataMatrixBarcode layout element. A DataMatrixBarcode layout element can be placed on a page or any report section.

Figure 1. DataMatrixBarcode layout element.


Refer to designer-usersguide-examples for a GitHub example.

Add a DataMatrixBarcode layout element to a report by right-clicking anywhere in a page or report and selecting Add Data Matrix Barcode from the context menu.

Figure 2. Select Add Data Matrix Barcode from context menu to add a DataMatrixBarcode layout element.


aligncenter, left, rightA value indicating if the alignment of the DataMatrixBarcode.
colorSee Colors Users Guide topic.A value indicating the text color of the DataMatrixBarcode.
vAlignbottom, center, topThe vertical alignment of the DataMatrixBarcode.
valuetextThe barcode value.
xDimensiontextA value indicating the X dimension.
idtextA value indicating the programmatic identifier of the DataMatrixBarcode.
anglenumericA value indicating the number of degrees to rotate the DataMatrixBarcode.
heightnumericA value indicating the height of the DataMatrixBarcode.
widthnumericA value indicating the width of the DataMatrixBarcode.
xnumericA value indicating the X coordinate of the DataMatrixBarcode.
ynumericA value indicating the Y coordinate of the DataMatrixBarcode.

Dynamically Adding Barcode Value

Of course, Designer's true power lies in dynamically generated reports, and barcodes are no exception. The DataMatrixBarcode layout element allows dynamically specifying the value property as a JSON data field name surrounded by pounds, for example, #upc#.

Figure 3. Adding a DataMatrixBarcode layout element to a report.