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The Label layout element allows adding labels to a report.

Use the Label layout element to add static text to anywhere on a page or any report section (i.e. header, detail or footer).


Refer to designer-usersguide-examples for a GitHub example.

To add a Label right-click and select Add Label from the context menu.

Figure 1. Select Add Label to add a Label layout element to a DLEX document.


The Label layout element has the following properties.

alignleft, right,center, fullJustify, justifyThe alignment of the text value of the Label.
fontSee Fonts Users Guide topic.Sets the font name.
fontSizenumericSets the font size.
rightToLefttrue, falseIndicates if text should go from right to left.
texttextThe text value of the Label.
textColorSee Colors Users Guide topic.The color of the label.
underlinetrue,falseValue indicating if the Label text is underlined.
vAlignbottom, top, centerThe vertical alignment of the label.
idtextThe id of the label.
anglenumericThe number of degrees to rotate the label.
heightnumericThe label height in pixels.
widthnumericThe label width in pixels.
xnumericThe X coordinates of the label.
ynumericThe Y coordinates of the label.