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The RecordBox layout element allows record boxes to your report.

Use the RecordBox layout element to add data from a JSON document's fields dynamically at runtime to anywhere on a page, including the header, detail or footer sections.


Refer to designer-usersguide-examples for a GitHub example.

Adding A RecordBox

There are two ways of adding a RecordBox to a document.

  1. Right-click and select Add Record Box from the context menu.

  1. Drag and drop the JSON field name from the Data Explorer to the anywhere on a Page or Report.

DataName Property

A RecordBox requires setting the dataName property to either the JSON dataset's field name or using a calculated value.


If your JSON dataset contains a field name with a dash or begins with a number, then you must surround the field name with square angle brackets. For example a field name of: field-one is written [field-one] as the dataName property's value.


Refer to Expressions for a list of available expressions in Designer.


aligncenter, fullJustify, justify, left, rightRecordBox content alignment.
autoLeadingtrue, falseValue indicating if RecordBox should be leading automatically.
cleanParagraphBreakstrue/falseValue indicating if RecordBox should have clean paragraph breaks. *
fontSee Fonts Users Guide topic.Value indicating the RecordBox text content font.
fontSizenumericValue indicating the RecordBox text size.
leadingnumericValue indicating the RecordBox text leading. If set, then the autoLeading property value must be false.
paragraphIndentnumericNumber of spaces to indent paragraph text in a RecordBox.
paragraphSpacingnumericSpacing between paragraphs.
textColorSee Colors Users Guide topic.Color of text in RecordBox.
underlinetrue, falseValue specifying if text in RecordBox is underlined.
vAlignbottom, center, topA value indicating the vertical alignment.
dataFormatexpressionAn expression indicating how to format the data.
dataNametextA value indicating the JSON field to associate the RecordBox with.
idtextA value indicating the programmatic identifier of the RecordBox.
anglenumericThe number of degrees to rotate the RecordBox.
expandabletrue, falseA value indicating whether the RecordBox is expandable.
heightnumericThe height of RecordBox.
splittabletrue, falseA value indicating if the RecordBox can be split between pages.
widthnumericA value indicating the RecordBox width.
xnumericThe x coordinate of the RecordBox.
ynumericthe y coordinate of the RecordBox.
  • The cleanParagraphBreaks property being set to true only affects the RecordBox if the splittable property is also set to true.
  • To allow a field to expand based on amount of data, set the expandable property to true.

The expandable property only works in a report's Detail. RecordBox layout elements placed elsewhere in a report must be manually expanded to the desired size.

Number Formatting

The RecordBox supports using formatting for data fields containing data such as currency, numbers, and dates.

#Formatter rounds to a number but does not pad with zeros.#.##
0Formatter rounds decimals to a number of zeros. If length is less than numbers, then pad with zeros.00.00
.Decimal place.###.0#
,Indicates thousand separator.#,###,##
eConvert number into scientific (exponential) format.##,####.##e
aRecalculates very big and very small numbers by reducing length and adding a suffix/prefix.#.0000a
bRecalculate to kilobytes, megabytes, etc. and add corresponding suffix.
sDisplay an absolute number.#.0s
Encloses text without parsing; includes formatted output as is.